CDU Specific - Check the requirements for your institution.
When using papers you have submitted for publication as chapters of your thesis, ensure you have:
included a ‘Statement of Authorship’ or ‘Authorship attribution statement’ at the start of your thesis (prior to your Introduction), that includes the publication details and your contribution to the paper, ie.
Chapter 3: [Reference] (Submitted and under review)
I designed the study, collected the data, and wrote the draft of the paper.
Chapter 5: [Reference]
I designed the study, collected the data, co-analysed the data with the co-authors, and wrote the draft.linked the chapters together in your introduction, so that their contextual progression is clear to the reader;
combined the references with those of the thesis (check with your supervisor as some prefer the references to remain with the paper).
While published papers are not required to match the formatting of the thesis, the presentation and readability of the thesis will be improved by consistent formatting.
Adapted largely from CDU ‘Presentation of HDR Thesis Procedures’, available on the CDU Thesis Guidelines page